Though there are many companies and experienced marijuana growers who thrive on expensive equipment and extensive grow spaces, these are not requirements for growing healthy, potent cannabis plants. In fact, there are many budget-friendly ways to set up a cannabis grow that will still produce bountiful buds and very stony heads. Here you will learn how to grow bud like this every time using our cannabis cultivation commandments which followed correctly, will produce the best harvest every time. Why us? Because we look for the best quality for the lowest price. For instance, on a reduced cost, you could use a typical pre-made soil-based mix (something like Coco Loco or Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil is awesome for growing cannabis) and start adding soil nutrients once plants start using up what’s in the soil. That’s sort of halfway between a super soil and a coco grow.
Coco coir is made of ground-up coconut husks, and perlite is made out of expanded volcanic glass. Coco feels sort of like a really rich soil, while perlite looks like little white airy rocks, almost like popcorn. When these two are mixed together, it provides an incredible root environment for your cannabis plants. Roots tend to be healthier, plants grow quickly, you won’t get bugs, and overall your garden will be more resistant to heat or stress. One $35 bag of Coco + Perlite mix is enough to fill 16 gallons worth of pots (the entire tent above, which had 8 x 2-gallon pots). The big investment with coco as a grow medium is nutrients, but they’ll last multiple grows. Great nutrients for coco are Flora trio ($35) at half strength + Calimagic ($17) at 1 tsp/gallon. That means for about $90 you have 16 gallons worth of growing medium plus tons of leftover nutrients. You would only need to buy the Coco + Perlite mix ($35 for 16-gallons of grow medium) for the next several grows while you used up the nutrients (the nutrients listed last 2+ years before going bad). Soil is the most common grow medium and also the most budget friendly. In-ground soil is obviously the cheapest option but will likely have to be amended with things like peat moss and compost. To avoid the risk of cross-contaminating an indoor grow, in-ground soil should not be used indoors.
To me, this is the first step to growing the best bud. You are what you eat. Using water that has gone through the reverse osmosis process is perfectly safe to use while watering your cannabis plants, with the use of your own addition of nutrients. Reverse osmosis strips the water of many contaminants and minerals, leaving growers with pure, clean water. When it comes to a cannabis plant's watering, you are what you eat. I've used a 6-Stage reverse osmosis water purification system by Geek Pure for under $300 forever and my results are always optimal. You must use the best to produce the best and this is where you start.
To understand the difference between reverse osmosis water and tap water, it’s first important to know what the process of reverse osmosis is. Reverse Osmosis is a process that removes foreign contaminants, solid substances, large molecules, and minerals from water by using pressure to push it through specialised membranes. Reverse osmosis can be applied to water filtration to help remove other minerals, substances, molecules, and impurities from the water. Some of the contaminants that a reverse osmosis system can help remove include salt and organic bacteria. This can be beneficial for watering plants, as the process leaves your plant water free from sodium and its buildup.
Tap water, on the other hand, is the regular water you would find flowing from your sink or spigot. Primarily, in the United States, tap water comes from lakes, rivers, and groundwater. Tap water goes through its own purification process at a water treatment facility before reaching your home, business, or growing operation. Unfiltered tap water can depend greatly on your municipality and water-treatment regulations. Oftentimes it is suggested to let tap water sit out for 24 hours or longer before using it to water your plants. But tap water can lead to plant disease and toxicity.
In addition to lab testing which is the most accurate assessment of tap water quality here are 4 other methods that you can apply:
1. Smell of the tap water
Chlorine. Exposing to air for 15 minutes can dispel the odour.
Egg: Indicates bacterial growth. If exposed to air and the odour dissipates, then the problem may arise from the plumbing that should be cleaned.
Compost: Idem egg.
2. Taste of the water
Metal taste: excess minerals (old pipes).
Salty: it can be due to chlorine or sulphate ions, product of some industrial waste.
3. Turbidity / visible particals in the tap water
Brown, orange, red particles: rust in pipes.
Black particles: can come from hoses through which the water is transported.
White particles: or cloudiness in general, may indicate excess calcium or magnesium carbonate.
4. Color of the tap water
First let the water run for a couple of minutes (eliminates standing water in pipes).
Fill a glass and hold it up to the light. If the water shows any suspicious color (brown, cloudy or colorful) it could be contaminated from upstream or by rusty pipes.
If unsure then first contact your local water supplier and secondly get the water tested. Note that one lab test showing that the water is safe doesn’t mean that it’s always safe to drink. Lead, biofilm (bacteria) and other corrosion can happen at random intervals.
What are the most common contaminants in tap water? Which substances should you worry about?
Here’s the list of tap water substances including where they come from, limits and potential risks.
Tap filters remove 95% of chlorine.
Chlorine is added to tap water to kill bacteria and viruses and keep it safe for drinking. The amount of chlorine added depends on the local quality of the water, climate (temperature), maximum distance to the tap and other variables.
A side effect of chlorine is unfortunately that the tap water may taste and smell poorly. To ensure the tap water is safe to drink the recommended free chlorine is 0.5/L at each household tap. The maximum allowable chlorine levels (Maximum Allowable Level in drinking water is 4 parts per million (4ppm) and pose no known or expected health risk. This includes an adequate margin of safety. However, bi-products from chlorine such as VOCs and THMs may cause health issues long term. TAPP Filters remove 95% of chlorine and close to 100% of chlorine by-products.
Note: Sometimes Chloramine is added instead of Chlorine. TAPP is equally efficient in removing chloramine.
Chloride does not need to be filtered.
Chloride is a natural mineral that helps maintain proper blood volume, blood pressure, and pH of body fluids.
However, excessive Chloride in water may cause salty taste. The Maximum Acceptable Level (MAL) is 250 mg/L. Chloride is a natural component of tap water without any negative health aspects. Chloride is part of the chlorification process of drinking water from harmful bacteria and viruses.
TAPP filters reduce 70-90% of Nitrate.
Nitrate is one of the most important compounds for plants. It is a rich source of Nitrogen, which is essential for plant growth.
Nitrate has no known harm effect on the human body unless it’s extremely high amounts. However, excessive Nitrate in water can cause Methemoglobinemia, or \”blue baby\” disease (Lack of oxygen). The Maximum Accepted Level (MAL) is estimated to be 10 mg/L. Nitrate originates primarily from fertilizers, septic systems, and manure storage or spreading operations.
Sulfate does not need to be filtered.
Sulfate is the result of the water passage through mineral rocks. Sulfate might help in protein synthesis.
Excessive sulfate may also contribute to scale buildup in water pipes similar to other minerals and may be associated with a bitter taste in water that can have a laxative effect on humans. The MAL is estimated to be 500 mg/L. Sulfates exist naturally in groundwater that is rich in minerals.
Bicarbonate does not need to be filtered.
Bicarbonate is the result of Carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolution in water. Bicarbonate is an acid buffer; it regulates the pH of your body.
However, high concentration of Bicarbonate may pull calcium from water. The Recommended range is 30 to 400 mg/L. Bicarbonate is the principal alkaline constituent in almost all water supplies. Mineral water in particulate often contains high concentration of Bicarbonate.
TAPP filters remove 70-90% of Phosphate.
Phosphate, like nitrate, is essential for plant growth. Phosphate is a strong corrosion inhibitor.
High concentration of Phosphate has not shown any health risks for human. The MAL is estimated to be 6.7 mg/L. Public water systems (PWSs) commonly add phosphates to the drinking water to prevent the leaching of lead and copper from pipes and fixtures.
These essential minerals should not be filtered.
Calcium and magnesium exist naturally in water. They are essential minerals for all living beings.
Calcium not only helps in bones and teeth strengthening, but also decreases heart conditions. Magnesium on the other hand, is essential for membrane function, protein construction and muscle contraction. No evidence is available to document harm to human health from hard drinking water. Perhaps only, a high magnesium content (hundreds of mg/l) coupled with a high Sulphate content may cause diarrhea. The Recommended Daily Intakes (RDI) for Calcium and Magnesium are 1000 mg and 400 mg.
These essential minerals should not be filtered.
Potassium and Sodium occur naturally in all water (groundwater, rainwater, etc). They are the main responsible elements for nerve stimulus fluid levels control and blood pressure regulation. They also prevent cardiovascular disease.
Sodium and potassium exist in the earth’s crust and are not considered toxic. They are common elements in the natural environment and are often found in food and drinking water. High level of Sodium may increase blood pressure and salty taste. On the other hand, Potassium intoxication by ingestion is rare, because potassium is rapidly excreted in the absence of pre-existing kidney damage. The Recommended Daily Intakes (RDI) for Sodium and Potassium are 2400 mg and 3500 mg.
TAPP filters reduce 70-90% of this element.
Lithium occurs naturally in drinking water. Although it exists at very low rate, Lithium is actually an antidepressant component.
Lithium can be found in continental brine water, geothermal waters, and oil-gas field brines. It has shown no harmful effects on human body. The MAL is 0.7 mg/l.
TAPP filters reduce up to 80% of Fluoride.
Fluoride is the result of water passage through rocks. Fluoride comes from fluorine, which is a common, natural, and abundant element. Fluoride is naturally present at low concentration in most fresh and saltwater sources, as well as in rainwater, particularly in urban areas.
At its normal rate of 0.7-1.2 ppm, Fluoride reduces teeth cavities. Excessive exposure to fluoride has been linked to a number of health issues such as bone disease and parathyroid gland damage. The MAL is 4 mg/L for Europe and the US.
TAPP 2 filters reduce 90% of Heavy Metals.
Heavy metals such as Lead, Copper and Arsenic exist naturally in nature. The benefits of these metals are not really accentuated.
Most of the point sources of heavy metal pollutants are industrial wastewater from mining, metal processing, tanneries, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, organic chemicals, rubber and plastics, lumber and wood products. Bioaccumulation of these metals can cause serious health problems related to central nervous function, the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal (GI) systems, lungs, kidneys, liver, endocrine glands, and bones. Therefore these are often listed among the most common tap water contaminants even though they are unusual in Europe.
The maximum values of Heavy Metals should be less than a couple of ug/L. TAPP 2 is specifically tested for removal of heavy metals including lead.
TAPP filters removes 95% of these compounds.
VOCs such as pesticides and herbicides exist mostly in agricultural water. They are responsible for the smell and/or the color of water.
Once VOCs get into your water supply, they can be ingested if your water is not adequately filtered. Every chemical is going to be different, obviously, but there are many symptoms that can be caused by these hydrocarbons. While some VOCs cause no known health effects, others are known to be highly toxic. Their effects vary and are dependent upon several factors including, most notably, length of time and level of exposure. The VOCs concentration should be less than a couple of ug/L. Common symptoms associated with exposure to VOCs include eye, nose, and throat irritation, nausea/vomiting, allergic skin irritation, dizziness, and visual disorders.
TAPP filters 95% of pharmaceuticals.
The ubiquitous use of pharmaceuticals has resulted in a relatively continuous discharge of pharmaceuticals and their metabolites into wastewater.
Pharmaceuticals may be released into water sources in the effluents from poorly controlled manufacturing or production facilities, primarily those associated with generic medicines. Current observations suggest that it is very unlikely that exposure to very low levels of pharmaceuticals in drinking-water would result in appreciable adverse risks to human health, as concentrations of pharmaceuticals detected in drinking-water are several orders of magnitude lower than the minimum therapeutic dose.
TAPP filters removes 100% of microplastics.
Microplastics are the result of plastic waste in different kind of sources.
When plastic waste enters waterways, it does not degrade as natural materials do. Instead, exposure to the suns rays, reaction to oxygen, and degradation from physical elements such as waves and sand cause plastic debris to break down into tiny pieces. The smallest microplastics identified in public reports is 2.6 micron. The precise effect of microplastics on human health is difficult to determine for a variety of reasons. There are many different types of plastics, as well as different chemical additives that may or may not be present. WHO claims the health risk of microplastics is low but better to be safe than sorry. TAPP 2 removes all microplastics larger than than 2-microns.
TAPP filters removes 100% of TSS.
Total suspended solids (TSS) exist in all water sources. They can include a wide variety of material, such as silt, decaying plant and animal matter, industrial wastes, and sewage.
Total suspended solids (TSS) are particles that are larger than 2 microns found in the water column. They are rarely found in drinking water. However, high concentrations of suspended solids can cause many problems for stream health and aquatic life.
TAPP filters remove 95% or more of common pesticides.
Pesticides are substances that are meant to control pests, including weeds. The most common of these are herbicides which account for approximately 80% of all pesticide use. Most pesticides are intended to serve as plant protection products (also known as crop protection products), which in general, protect plants from weeds, fungi, or insects. Along with these benefits, pesticides also have drawbacks, such as potential toxicity to humans and other species.
Adsorption process using activated carbon is among the most effective techniques for the removal of pesticides in the treatment of drinking water.
TAPP filters reduces Bacteria and Viruses but does not remove all.
Natural water represents an adequate environment for bacteria and viruses to grow.
Bacteria and viruses exist naturally in water. Generally the chlorine in tap water will kill all bacteria and viruses which is why filtering of these substances is not necessary for public water in Europe and North America. Viruses are the smallest form of microorganisms capable of causing disease, particularly those of a fecal origin infectious to humans by waterborne transmission; bacteria are typically single-celled microorganisms that can also cause health problems in humans, animals or plants, despite many form is ability to aid in water pollution control.
TAPP filters are not intended to change the pH although it might make it slightly more alkaline.
The pH of pure water is 7. In general, water with a pH lower than 7 is considered acidic, and with a pH greater than 7 is considered basic or alkaline. The normal range for pH in drinking water should be 6.5
Top 5 Best Soils for Growing Cannabis (2020): Reviewed.
I buy 5 smart pots, 2 x 20 litre premium bags of peat, 1 bag of vermiculite, 1 bag of earthworm and bat castings, some miracle grow stater bags of soil, and vermiculite.You'll notice the run off but the plants get hydroponics and aeroponics using this method of light fluffy soil. Then I spread a layer of peat stones over the soils surface to even out watering and keeping pests out. It's wise to You Tube this subject.
I grow good bud for a beginner because I watched as much YouTube video's on how to grow the best bud and then I upgraded what I learned using free methods but expensive must-have products. The first thing I did was buy a 4 x 4 x 6 foot grow tent to ensure my control over all parameters like no light pollution while the lights are off, and the sealed environment to manipulate the temperature and humidity as well as it's ability to keep out pests or attract pests due to the quarantined tent. I won't get into the soil but I use a soil-less soil personal mixture with a small amount of hydroponic plant food. Next, I bought a 315 watt CMH (ceramic metal hallide) light bulb by Phillips because they invented the CMH bulb and CMH provides the highest lumen (light) count the indoor lighting industry has available. I get readings of 100,000 lumens, 25 inches from the bulb. The fixture is Sine Wave technology (a must) by Vivosun and I've added a Zoltron 300 watt (equivalency to a High Pressure Sodium) COB bulb that provides full bandwidth light and a spectrum good enough to cover a 15 foot diameter circumference and it's used by NASA on the space station because of it's perfect spectrum, full bandwidth and it's results in getting plants to react to it's huge ability to photosynthesise the light into sugars and starches helping the plants grow with optimal results and the light is no bigger than a softball but weighs about 5 lbs. from the high grade aluminum. The light cost $99 CAD and I don't flower without it. The fixture cost $180 and the bulb was the biggest investment at $140 but you won't ever get out played by any other cannabis as long as you pay attention and invest in a product every two weeks or month to ensure you never run out of needed products. The CO2 bag is from Exhale for $50, the humidifier is high quality and I buy CO2 pills that I put into the humidifiers water during the grow cycle once daily which I paid $30 for 120 pills that disolve in the water in the humidifier in 2 hours and if you buy these tablets you don't need the $50 CO2 Exhalle bag because the pills are made for aquatic plants and when disolved into the RO water I put in my humidifier, the mist rises above the plants and the CO2 falls to the floor where I have a fan blowing directly upwards to direct the CO2 back above the plants. I plant two clones I received from a friend but if you don't, you can buy seeds that are guaranteed to be female (which is the only way to grow buds) online as long as you are age of majority or over 19, and I put two, 7 gallon smart pots (which are made of fabric so it's hard to over water your plants) with my favourite medicinal cannabis; "WEDDING CAKE" at 30% THC and buy a timer to set the lights for 18 hours on and 6 off and when they get two feet tall I bend the top of the stalk and twist tie the top of the plant to the middle of the stalk to trick the plant into thinking the top has been cut resulting in the lower branches trying to reach the light creating an evenly spaced blanket of tops which will grow the biggest buds or "FLOWERS". I use silica to develop strong stems and high brix development. I have a 6 inch induct fan by Vivosun connected to a exhaust hose that sucks the outdoor air into the tent to keep it cool or from the room with air conditioning. If your temperatures and other conditions are optimal like the Exhale bag giving off CO2, or the humidifier set at 80% during grow cycle and 35% during flower with CO2 tablets instead of Exhale bags, you don't really need to circulate the air from outside or the outer room because plants are simple; they give off oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide (CO2), like light above 40,000 lumens and can grow in 15 degrees to 30 degrees celsius and need certain products. I use silica in a five gallon bucket of reverse osmosis purified water and let it sit there with an aqua stone bubbling air through the water to keep it oxygenated for one hour and then I add Cal-Meg with Cal-Max, Grotek Monster Bloom, Hydroguard (or bacillus spores ground into the soil), and Cybele Labs cannabis Veg and Bloom nutrient solution because it's curtailed for cannabis specifically and you only need 20ml of part A and 20ml part B for the whole five gallon bucket and you could even use less due to it's high concentration rate of N-P-K. Remember:
In this picture the lab tech is bending a flower but one way to get your plant that's in it's growing stage to turn into a bushy highly potent weed that produces many ounces is to bend the top even more than shown here until you can tie a twist tie to the mid-level part of the stalk to let the plant think it's top has been cut which makes it develop more top colas or DONKEY DICK SIZED BUDZ! I leave it tied until the end of the first month of flower. Another technique is to F.I.M. the top or simply cut the first node of the tip of the plant and it will turn into two tops instead of one. You can wait for those two tops to grow and cut them both like the first one and the top will develop four tops instead of the two and so on but there's a limit. I do this 2-4 times maximum to any one cannabis plant. I'm currently growing my first cross shaped cannabis plant by tying the fist four branches to the rim of the smart pot in a perfect cross and you'll be able to see the video on my YouTube channel I'm in the process of creating which will shoe the cross shaped inner skeleton and the four tops at each end with tops all along the stalk from one foot from the centre because I clean everything four inches from the main stalk or centre because the biggest buds develop only on the top part or (COLAS) instead of a bunch of small gram sized buds all over a untrained, neglected plant. That would only give you one or two ounces. I get one pound from two plants in a 4 x 4 x 6 foot tent of high quality medical grade cannabis. I'm on my third harvest and I started by buying everything over the span of four months because it costs a lot to start but as time and YouTube videos go by, you end up learning more and more and this plant is a trip to grow. I'm going to buy some seeds for the first time because I can't find a clone from anyone of a strain that produces the most colours and exotic looking flowers (BUDZ)! I plan on charging $40/hour of telephone support if anyone has problems or just want to have an hour of priceless advice regarding cannabis plants and the only way to approach every problem by hearing only the knowledge that has proven to work or how to create your own indoor garden on a budget. But I must warn you; every month you'll need to buy one or two items that are crucial for high grade cannabis cultivation. If you think this picture has a awesome bud I can produce the same size from a four foot plant but as thick as a pop can or even baseball bat. There is so much to learn my website should be taken seriously because I've implemented the only techniques that will work with a number to get months of learning into one hour of phone support that you won't forget and all the bullshit trimmed off the content to give you only platinum results. Like the bible, I have ten commandments you must follow if you want to grow successful harvests every time and if I ask you a question like, "Do you see any white dust on your leaves?" I expect you to be paying attention to those details because powdery mould or spider mites could be your problem if for some reason your plant isn't drinking a lot or growing successfully. If there's a problem, I can help you determine what it is through signs and help you defeat the problem before the grow op is a failure. But I warn you, it could be pricey fixing an indoor gardening problem. For example, if you have spider mites, I suggest "GRUB GRENADES" which cost $80 and need to be used right away or refrigerate the remaining portion you don't use. For every problem I use a specific remedy. Like spider mites I would suggest Grub Grenades and Neem Oil by Premium Nature only. There are specific brands I stick to because they work. Doctor Doom has a great spray but you have to use it sparingly because too much can kill when it comes to insect sprays and there's a time to use and there's times when you shouldn't use for example when in flower or BUD!. Always try and go organic in everything you do. I haven't tried auto-flower so I have no knowledge or reviews on those GMO seed strains that automatically start budding at a certain point where you can keep your hours high or low like recommended when using phenotype or standard organic seeds which aren't genetically motified organically. I have no information if GMO seeds are harmful like GMO foods but I plan on trying at least one harvest using auto-flower or GMO seeds. I'll keep you up to date.
Grow lights have evolved from heavy magnetic, in-efficient ballasts and bulky reflectors to ultra-efficient dimmable and spectrum tunable Light Emitting Diodes (LED) and Ceramic Metal Halide (CMH) all-in-one fixtures. The modern hobby and commercial cultivator now have the power to dial in spectrums specific to the plant strain they are growing. LED’s offer the tunability to go from a vegetative blue spectrum to a flowering red spectrum with a turn of a knob. CMHs closely mimic the sun, provide the highest gram per watt, and even provide the coveted good UV wavelengths that fend off mold and mildew as well stimulate plant vigor and greater resin and terpene production. Choosing which technology is right for you depends on the size of your grow, how long you will be growing in the space, and your allocated budget. The anticipated duration of your cultivation project is one of the most important factors to consider. Choose LED if you plan on keeping the fixtures for more than 5 years as the high upfront initial cost of LED fixtures will be amortized over a longer period of time. LED bulbs last 50,000 hours compared to 20,000 for CMH. If you are planning for obsolescence and want the greatest yield ROI within 1-2-year time frame, choose CMH. And even if you keep your grow space past 5 years, don’t worry, CMHs provide a greater gram per watt due to their higher PPF and canopy penetration. Let’s talk about the size of your grow. Because of the lack of overall canopy penetration, you will need to keep your LED lights 12-18” above your canopy. This could be a good thing if your ceiling height is less than 8ft and really need to factor in heat management. If you have a larger and taller space, using CMH technology is a better choice. Increased ceiling height allows for better heat management, better air-flow capability and more even light coverage for fuller and taller flower strains. LED lights put off very little heat and this can be good or bad depending on the size of your grow space and the climate at your facility location. How insulated your space is during winter months is crucial if you are operating in colder climates. Due to the lower heat output of LED’s, heat may need to be added to the grow room in colder months which will increase costs. CMH fixtures put off more heat than LED’s, but less heat than their HPS counterparts. This heat can be utilized to achieve the ideal temperature for your growing methodology, for example, if you are using CO2 injection. Everyone’s favorite factor to consider, BUDGET! The initial cost of an LED is 2 to 4 times the cost of a comparable CMH fixture. (see Table 1 below) LED fixtures, especially the ones that include the UV spectrum, are very expensive in terms of up-front cost. When it comes to power consumption and the power bill, LED’s only save the grower about 15% on the power bill compared to CMH fixtures. However, the LED grower will use less power for cooling, but that savings depends on other factors in the grow space. The additional cost a CMH grower will realize is replacing bulbs. You will be buying replacement CMH bulbs after 12-18 months of use. In addition, it is recommended that you change between the 4100K CMH bulbs in the vegetative phase to the 3100K CMH bulbs for flowering. Therefore, you will incur the cost of more bulbs utilizing CMH technology, but you will optimize your light cycles and extend the timeframe to replace bulbs.
Choose CMH if:
Choose LED if:
Choose CMH if:
Choose LED if:
You Get What You Pay For!
Key Cannabis Nutrients
You are what you eat is a scientific fact for humans as well as plants. Our recipe starts with a five gallon bucket with RO water and a bubble stone to keep the water oxygenated. First product is silica and you let it dissolve into the water for one hour before adding any other nutrients. Then you add your Cal_mag and I use Cal-Max for a boost, then your choice of hydroponic nutrients but currently we are using GroTek Monster Bloom and Silicate, Cebele Labs A-B Grow and A-B Bloom and whatever soil enhancers we have like, earth worm castings, bat guano, dehydrated banana peels, bacillus and egg shells all ground up using a coffee grinder and added to the soil. Our soil is very thin so the high amount of oxygen provided to the roots make for hydroponic properties without using a hydroponic system. But this nutrient recipe is good for all soil-less soil gardening and hydroponic set-ups. We use hydroponic nutrients because they're concentrated and save you money because you'll be using half the recommended amount or less because of the upgraded soil-less soil I create. I alway's add vermiculiyte because it has Cal-Mag and Silica if you run out of the liquid nutrients. Any questions call the hotline when it becomes activated.
Wedding Cake Feminized: An unforgettable journey into the land of delight begins with a single taste of this Indica dominant SUPER POTENT fiend of a strain. Its family line oozes sweet and sour earthy scents with unmistakable vanilla aromas and old skunky undertones. An acclaimed fusion, famous for its creative, uplifting and euphoric relaxation properties.
The lab have chosen a more Indica dominant 80% Indica + 20% Sativa version for our Wedding Cake, opting to evolve further the original Pink Cookies genetics “aka wedding cake”
Wedding Cake inherits much of its power from its Girl Scout Cookies parent, crossed with Cherry Pie, bringing a sophisticated twist from its OG and Durban Poison X Granddaddy Purple heritage.
The strain is so named because it is absolutely smothered in THC crystals, like a well iced wedding spectacular, with subtle purple and pinks during flowering.
Wedding Cake's eight-week flowering period means you could get your hands on her beckoning blossoms in super-fast time. You can expect solid, monster yields of around 650g/m2 indoor and up to 2kg outdoor. with a whopping 24% THC will make you feel like you are on your honeymoon again.
Outdoor harvest is in late September, when you’ll be glad you decided to grow this magnificent beast of a plant.
Strain Genetics
Wedding Cake
40% Sativa, 60% Indica
Flowering Time
50-60 days
THC Content
CBD Level
Creative, Relaxed, Uplifted
Best Use
Anytime, Insomnia, Pain, Stress
Earthy, Peppery, Sweet
Indoor Yield
Outdoor Yield
Growing Difficulty
Plant Sex
Flowering Type
Where to Grow
Plant Height
Seed Type
Feminized Cannabis Seeds
Gorilla Glue, also known as GG4, is a hybrid that owes its name to its sticky buds and powerful couch-locker high. She is one of today’s most popular cannabis strains, and for good reason. Her potency is off the charts. The discovery of Gorilla Glue happened by accident when a hermaphrodite Chem’s Sister in the care of GG Strains accidentally pollinated a Sour Dubb. The breeders kept the seeds and germinated them later, giving birth to what is today one of the world’s most notorious strains. She got her name due to her high resin production—that makes buds stick to the hands when handled.
Cannabis history tell us that the famous Gorilla Glue was accidently created by two farmers, Joesy Whales and Lonie Watie. Joesy’s Chem Sis plants hermied and pollinated his Sour Dubb. As probably any grower would do in such a case, he tossed out the strain but for some reason his buddy kept some of the seeds. A good thing that he did! They popped the seeds later and the rest is history, the famous Gorilla Glue was born!
Gorilla Glue turned out outright spectacular. Her THC levels measure 24-26%, with some of her phenos at times reportedly having measured 30%, making her one of the most potent Indicas available. As for the strain’s name, according to cannabis lore the breeders choose the name Gorilla Glue because of the strain’s crazy resin production that made the guys stick to all kinds of things after handling the newly created strain. But her name could also do well to describe GG’s amazingly powerful high that will “glue” you to your couch in awesome relaxation although her effect isn’t just a deep body stone but comes with a greatly balancing euphoria as well.
The flowering time of this Indica hybrid is 9-10 weeks with yields that won’t necessarily break records but are still considered medium to moderate. The plant will do well if you grow her indoors under a 600W light. When she grows, Gorilla Glue will develop some sizeable aromatic buds with lime green leaves that will be covered with frosty layers of crystals, not leaving a doubt about her crazy amount of trichomes and the massive resin production which gave the strain her name.
With an average THC content of 24%-26% and some of her phenos having observed to contain as much as 30%, Gorilla Glue is an incredibly potent but at the same time still quite balanced smoke. Her powerful effect is incredibly relaxing, just the right thing for stress relief or if you want a superb smoke to help you sleep at night. But her smoke doesn’t just make for awesome chilling at night time, she’ll also give a happy and uplifting feeling at the same time. Because of Gorilla Glue’s potency, she has also become a favourite strain for medicinal users who want a potent herb that can help them with pain relief, depression, sleeping troubles and many other health conditions.
With her flavour that blends earthy and sweet notes with hints of lemon and woody pine, Gorilla Glue makes for a superbly tasting smoke on top of her powerful effect.
Because of her outstanding qualities, Gorilla Glue has already won loads of awards since her introduction to the cannabis world, including the 2014 Cannabis Cup and 2015 World Cannabis Cup for best hybrid.
1. High THC (medicinal).
2. Grows Fast.
3. Frosty even if problems occur.
4. Resilient (bullet proof).
5. With LST, I've grown four foot high, 5 feet wide bushy
plants indoors using Wedding Cake clones.
6. Beautiful Buds that grow wider than a beer can.
7. Perfect spacing and response to low-stress-training.
8. High THC and virtually no CBD but the effects are like CBD in that the high is relaxing and even with high THC harvested early, and the trichomes only clearish with white tips, you'd think the high would be racy but surprisingly it is totally calm and uplifting to the inner spirit. Great to use and then try some gaming out for hours which will feel like seconds.
9. Indoors this beast can produce 500 grams on one plant grown to it's bushy perfection, lolly-popped, LST'd, F.I.M.E.D., light at least 40,000 lumen's like a CMH providing these lumen's at the tip of the plant, CO2 implemented into the grow tent, perfect soiless soil with a little surprise you can add for optimal results like some bat guano or egg shells and dried, grinded, bannana peels with your hydroponic nutrients and the base ingredient...silica, and the final nutrient...Cal-Meg and Cal-Max by Grotek. So it's silica, then food, then Cal-Meg and Cal-Max by Grotek and when flowering Grotek's Monster Bloom and then it's time to harvest. With all these steps, you can grow Wedding Cake to it's optimal level and I plan on developing a Wedding Cake/CBD AK-47 strain by spraying coloidial silver on one stem from each plant and seeds will grow on the sprayed buds only. Then you germinate a bunch of seeds from each plant and if you get a male Wedding Cake seed you grow it and harvest it's pollen and when you want to develop a new strain you sprinkle some pollen on the Wedding Cake if the AK-47 is female or vice versa.
Sign up to hear from us about specials, sales, and events. Win high grade rare strains and our choice of LED lighting able to hit peak lumens like 100,000 along with UV-IR which is underated and becoming more and more present in high grade lighting.
GreenLeafz CBD Gummies cure joint and muscle pain 5Xs better than regular CBD Oil and have the added bonus of decreasing body fat; now available in the Canada without a prescription.
December 1, 2022
For millions battling daily stress, pain and extra pounds, this news couldn't be more exciting.
A new relief extract found in hemp is available across the nation and can be purchased without a prescription.
The best part? It uses a new delivery system that is 450% more effective than regular CBD's oil, gummies, capsules, and creams. What surprised Doctors most was the weight loss seen during clinical trials.
GreenLeafz CBD Gummies contain pure concentrated doses of hemp extract known as CBD or Cannabidiol, which will relieve even the most agonizing joint pain along with general muscle aches, soreness, sleep disorders, anxiety, and weight gain. And since it contains 0% THC, it helps without the "high". It has been considered "Nature's Miracle".
It also calms, relaxes, and eases tension all over the body. Often used by professional athletes who have to test the limits of their body and experiencing injuries, they routinely turn to CBD to cure their aches and pains and get themselves back to game.
A GUMMY A DAY SOOTHES PAIN AWAY: GreenLeafz CBD Gummies utilize "water soluble technology" that works day and night to keep you feeling and looking your best.
Why This New Technology Is Better Than Hemp
Unfortunately, most CBD found on the market can’t deliver a fraction of these results. “The problem is, hemp products sold on Amazon do not contain any CBD whatsoever, and then, companies selling real CBD typically come in oil form,” according to Chief Technologist Mi Hwa Kim of the Green Gardener. “Oil doesn’t breach the cell membrane, which is where the real healing happens. Our body is 80% water, our cells 90%. And you know what they say about oil and water -- they don’t mix.”
This is why GreenLeafz CBD Gummies contains a unique “water soluble” system. The technology is shown to improve absorption in the cells by 450%, quickly boosting the body’s cannabinoid levels.
“The other problem is that most of these formulas only contain a single compound extract,” says Ms. Kim. “The hemp plant’s cannabinoids are shown to work synergistically. In short, they work better together. It’s called the “entourage effect.” Most miss out on the full effects, like weight loss, because they are missing some of the best rejuvenating compounds within the hemp plant. This is why we’ve made GreenLeafz CBD Gummies with the “full hemp, low temp” extraction technology.”
“Finally, most CBD formulas are made on foreign farms with pesticides, or grown using non-organic seeds and processes. We’ve grown the hemp in CBD Gummies at a 100% Certified Organic American farm, under strict agricultural guidelines. It’s grown without pesticides or GMO, and it’s grown to contain 0% THC which we have the test results to prove it.”
Cassandra Healy, a 46-year-old mother of two from Alberta was one of the first users of GreenLeafz CBD Gummies.
"I was plagued by the symptoms of Fibromyalgia and arthritis. I couldn't get out of bed. I was in pain constantly. And the 'Cures' were worse than the symptoms. They had me on harsh drugs. I was bed-ridden and severely depressed. I was so stressed and life was over."
"Until I found GreenLeafz CBD Gummies. Just a few days after I started taking them, I began noticing a difference. My pain has drastically reduced. I had energy again, actual energy! I've been taking them for 4 months now and I'm happy to say, I don't take any meds except CBD. It has changed my life that dramatically. I'm not exaggerating when I say CBD gave me my life back. I even lost 12 pounds. It makes sense, my energy is at an all time high!"
The Science
The key to GreenLeafz CBD Gummies’ health benefits is the Endocannabinoid System, a network of receptors in the cells. The system is there to maintain homeostasis (balance). In response to toxins in our body, it releases cannabinoids to set things back to their natural state.
“It’s really an amazing and natural system that has been completely overlooked. Our bodies are practically designed to work with the compounds in CBD, which is why we need a solution like GreenLeafz CBD Gummies that unleashes its full potential.”
Over time, with aging, the endocannabinoid system eventually burns out. Fewer cannabinoids are released, so the body’s levels deplete. The result is all sorts of symptoms of aging like age-related memory loss, blurry vision, joint discomfort, aches and pains, anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, and weight gain.
One GreenLeafz CBD Gummy boosts your endocannabinoid system – relieving aches and pains, improving sleep cycles, mood, memory, focus, reducing stress and increasing energy and metabolism. And the best part is, there is 0% THC or psychoactive effects so you get amazing relief without any “high”.
In fact, a recent study revealed that 60% of users say CBD is “significantly more effective” than prescription medications. 75% found CBD more effective than over-the-counter products, as you can see below:
Case After Case Says It Can...
As you can see, there are many benefits of using GreenLeafz CBD Gummies.
Here's What Customers Are Saying...
“I’ve tried more than 50 CBD products and this is hands down the BEST! I have bad joint pains, sore muscles, and trouble sleeping through the night, this helps immensely! Also the best tasting CBD I have ever had. GreenLeafz CBD Gummies really stands behind their customers.”
- Jason M.
“For years I have suffered mentally and physically. I have tried so many drugs and have become addicted to some over the years. GreenLeafz CBD Gummies changed all that. They have done a miracle for me. Now I don’t have to use pills to get relief. I just take my GreenLeafz CBD Gummies and I feel better than I have in years and I even look younger with the lower body fat. Thank you GreenLeafz CBD Gummies”
- Janis E.
“I was skeptical, but I bought the GreenLeafz CBD Gummies brand and they have worked for me. I have extensive arthritis...every joint in my body except my left elbow according to x-rays. I had to quit taking any NSAIDS because of a recent kidney problem that has developed. Today was an exceptionally bad pain day. I took Tramadol which did nothing. These gummies from GreenLeafz seem to work best for me, so I will continue taking them.”
- Norma C.
“I have tried everything. I have severe arthritis. I have a knee that is so swollen. I need surgery. But at this time I just can't do it. I have tried the creams. I have tried everything. GreenLeafz CBD Gummies came yesterday. And I took one. And then I took the second one. The latter part of the day and they do help. I was surprised. Maybe I won't have to walk with a cane all the time. I will keep using it. I have been told by different people that one or two days is not enough... I am more than pleased.”
- Jeanne B.
“I started taking it [GreenLeafz CBD Gummies] now for a month. I was taking about 600 pills every two weeks for the pain in my knees. I haven’t had a pill since I also stop taking my arthritis meds as well. I don't know if the weight loss helped my knees or the gummies, but I would say for sure yes, this product works. Thank you.”
- Rene Barreto
If you're Feeling Down, Sluggish, Tired, And Alleviate the Pain! Change Your Life With GreenLeafz CBD Gummies
Taking All The Risk Off Consumers
A large percentage of men and women using GreenLeafz CBD Gummies experience truly amazing results. That's why it's now being sold with a guarantee that goes way beyond the industry standard.
“We can only make this guarantee because we are 100% certain our customers will be satisfied. We want to take full risk-off consumers. So in addition to offering 2 bottles free for first-time customers, we also make them a huge promise that ensures they don't have to risk a cent” says James Cartwright, GreenLeafz CBD Gummies CEO.
Here's how it works: Take GreenLeafz CBD Gummies exactly as directed and you must be thrilled with the results! Otherwise, you don't pay a dime. That's right, 100% Money Back Guarantee.
Where To Find GreenLeafz CBD Gummies
This is the official nationwide release of GreenLeafz CBD Gummies in the Canada. And so, the company is offering 2 Free Bottles to new customers who order on Sunday, December 4, 2022
A secure website has been set up for readers to place orders. This gives everyone an equal chance to try GreenLeafz CBD Gummies.
GreenLeafz CBD Gummies may be of tremendous importance to you or a loved one. It can show you how the blessings of help from daily discomfort — freedom from arthritis, aching joints, and inflammation — can be yours once again, no matter your age and no matter how long you have suffered.
If you are not convinced that this is the most important product in your daily health regimen — a product that may show you or a loved one how to enjoy a new life un-restricted by pain and anxiety — then you don't pay for it. No questions asked!
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